A jam-packed webinar for language teachers and coaches ready to turn their website into their best source of students.

Write a website that sells and shows up on Google.


28/02/2024 | 6PM (UK)


Forget dancing around on reels, panic-posting content and relying on social media for sales. 


A section-by-section break down of the three pages every language website needs to convince students to sign up. 

Tons of examples to show you what that looks like in action and inspire you with what to write.

An insight into the biggest mistakes I see language teachers make on their websites and how to avoid them. 

In this 90-minute masterclass, you'll learn how to write a website that does (almost) all the hard work for you. 

5 easy ways to get more eyes on your website without spending a dime.

A simple overview of SEO strategies to help you get visible and let Google do (some of) your marketing for you.


Hey, I'm Lauren — and language websites are kinda my thing. 

They have been since 2015, when I discovered I could combine my love for writing with my love for languages.

Since then, I've written high-converting website copy that sits at the top of Google for a bunch of language businesses.

And now, I'm spilling all my best tips, so that YOU can do the same. Because you deserve a website that works and doesn't just look nice.

Yep! I give you a detailed break down of every single section of the three most important pages of your website: your homepage, about page and services page. Each section comes with at least one example from a real-life project I've worked on so you can see how it works in action.

Nope. The masterclass is so jam-packed with information that you don't need any bonuses. Once you start watching you'll see exactly what I mean. 

Sure thing! At the checkout, you'll also have the option to book a Power Hour, where I'll give you personalised feedback on your website copy. That way, you can publish it feeling confident your website will do its job.

Let's turn your website into your business' best sales person